Chutney for South Indian Breakfast

Dear Friends

Starting from tomorrow its an extended weekend in India as 15 of August, the Independence Day falls on Monday. I hope you are ready to surprise your family with some mouth watering delicacies. Today I shall post a side dish which goes well with idli, dosa, vada, semi and upma..... A tasty chutney.
You can try it this weekend, as just like me even you would be in a dilemma as to what should be breakfast special for all these three days.

So here we begin.


Phule chane ki daal / First gram - 1/2 cup
Khopra / Coconut   - 1/2 cup
Phalli/ Groundnut - 1/2 cup
Garlic pods - 4-5
Green Chillies - 4-5
Coriander / kothimeer - 1 bunch
Salt - 1 teaspoon/according to taste

For tampering :

Zeera / Cumin Seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
Rai / Mustard seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
Chana daal / Bengal gram - 1/2 teaspoon
Maash ki daal / White lentils -1/2 teaspoon
Sookhi lal mirch/ Dried red chillies - 2-3
Curry leaves - 2-3 sticks
Oil - 2 teaspoon

Method :

Dry roast phule chane ki daal, khopra, phalli each at a time. Dry roasting removes the wet smell which comes from keeping them sealed in an air tight container. And it also helps in removing the outer layer of phalli easily.

I am using desicated coconut, you can use fresh coconut if available. And keep an eye it gets burnt easily.
No need of roasting for fresh coconut.

Remove the skin before grinding.

Once roasted put garlic pods, chillies, coriander along with them and grind.
We can also grind chillies, coriander
and garlic along with salt
 before adding the ingredients

Once the ingredients get a dry run
and they are grounded
we can add water and
grind once more.

The chutney is ready. We can have it plain or tamper it to enhance the look.

For tampering heat oil and first add chana daal and maash ki daal, followed by zeera, rai, sookhi lal mirch and at the end add curry leaves. And add this mixture to the chutney. Remember no heating the chutney after it is grounded or else it turns into lumps.

The chutney is ready to serve
Adding the tampered

It is a good combination with sambhar

Your tasty breakfast recipe of vada with sambhar and chutney comes to an end. Hope you will try it this weekend.

And please leave your comments if you have tried these recipes.

Here's hoping you will enjoy the weekend to the core.

In the upcoming post I shall write about the Fried rice and Chowmein.

Till then take care.